Social Center Arco Iris de la Alegria

Montero (Santa Cruz) – Bolivia

Arco Iris de la Alegria is a welcoming place where many families from a variety of situations find support and friendship. It is place where the different "shades" and uniqueness of each person are valued.
The main objective is to provide a human and spiritual formation through scholastic education and accompanying psychological and pedagogical reflections on topics of interest to family and society. 
Four days a week the center welcomes children and adolescents living in the nearby barrios of Montero. They are helped after school by university students who in turn are supported in their academic pursuit, thus making possible this circle of good that is increasing thanks to the generosity of many. 
The university students, in fact, receive the necessary training from professionals through the work they do at the center. Young people who want to help are given aptitude tests in order to identify how they can collaborate in the project and be part of this big family called Arco Iris de la Alegria. The project also provides for the delivery of school materials, uniforms and clothing, and other school necessities. 
Another initiative is the afternoon formation for the promotion of the value of life. These activities are conducted through video, dynamic games and snacks. The afternoon is made more effective by dividing the participants into groups according to their different ages.
Parents also have the opportunity to be heard and directed by the Missionaries through sincere dialogue built on mutual trust. Often recourse is made to professionals, especially in the field of psychology. 
About ten years ago an artisan craft group was formed from within this project. This group is formed mainly by the mothers of the families assisted. It offers an opportunity to promote the work and creativity of women, while facilitating mutual cooperation as they acquire a small income for their families. 
The Center Arco Iris de la Alegria looks forward to offering other small activities relating to the promotion of art and sport among children, adolescents and young adults. The aim is to engage leisure positively, bring out their many hidden talents, cultivate seeds of hope, and thereby build a better future together.


What I felt from this journey was a threefold lesson. First, it was a reminder that in spite of human capacity to gravitate towards such evil, God made everything good. Second, it was a reminder to see the presence of God in others in even the most difficult times. Third, it was a call to consider more deeply... radical love for others and to avoid indifference. 

How to help us

Is a welcoming place where many families from a variety of situations find support and friendship

What I felt from this journey was a threefold lesson. First, it was a reminder that in spite of human capacity to gravitate towards such evil, God made everything good. Second, it was a reminder to see the presence of God in others in even the most difficult times. Third, it was a call to consider more deeply... radical love for others and to avoid indifference. 

The objective is to contribute to the integral development of children, adolescents and young people
