Prayers to St. Maximilian Kolbe

Family and Friends Prayer for the Addicted

Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, your life of love and labor for souls was sacrificed amid the horrors of a concentration camp and hastened to its end by an injection of a deadly drug. 
Look with compassion upon ___________________ who is now entrapped in addiction to drugs and whom we now recommend to your powerful intercession. 
Having offered your own life to preserve that of a family man, we turn to you with trust, confident that you will understand and help. 
Obtain for us the grace never to withhold our love and understanding, nor to fail in persevering prayer that the enslaving bonds of addiction may be broken and that full health and freedom may be restored to him / her whom we love.
We will never cease to be grateful to God who has helped us and heard your prayer for us. Amen.

Family's Prayer 

Dear Saint Maximilian Kolbe,
We know that you loved the family, because you died to save the life of a husband and father. You worked hard to spread the Gospel to families in Poland, Japan, and beyond. You loved your own family very much, sacrificed for them, and prayed for them. Please help our family to follow Jesus all the days of our life. Help us to stay united in the faith, even when we cannot be together. Help us to love one another so that we serve with joy. Saint Maximilian Kolbe, you were a son, a brother, and a spiritual father to many, may we honor our parents, respect our brothers and sisters, and set a good example for all those who look up to us. Please, intercede for us, that we may be a truly Catholic family! Amen.

Prayer of the Addicted

God of mercy, we bless You in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who ministered to all who come to Him. Give Your strength to N., Your servant, bound by the chains of addiction. Enfold him / her in Your love and restore him/her to the freedom of God's children. Lord, look with compassion on all those who have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of Your unfailing mercy, and strengthen them in the work of recovery. To those who care for them, grant patient understanding and a love that perseveres. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Prisoner's Prayer

O Prisoner-Saint of Auschwitz,
help me in my plight. Introduce me to Mary, the Immaculata, Mother of God. She prayed for Jesus in a Jerusalem jail. She prayed for you in a Nazi prison camp. Ask her to comfort
me in my confinement. May she teach me always to be good. If I am lonely, may she say, "God is here." If I feel hate, may she say, "God is love." If I am tempted, may she say, "God is pure."
If I sin, may she say, "God is mercy." If I am in darkness, may she say, "God is light." If I am unjustly condemned, may she say, "God is truth." If I have pain in soul or body, may she say, "God is peace." If I lose hope, may she say: "God is with you all days, and so am I." Amen.

Prayer to End Abortion

St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron of the pro-life movement, hear this prayer of supplication that I address to you with confidence.
St. Maximilian, I honor your life that was guided by the unshakable faith in the mystery of the Incarnation.  I admire your public witness for the sanctity of life and your ultimate sacrifice for the life of another when you offered yourself to save a fellow prisoner.
I pray, please move the consciences of those contemplating abortion.  Please move to repentance, and healing, for the women and men who have chosen abortion over the gift of life. 
Please intercede for all the unborn children. Pray that their mothers will see, hear and know that what they carry in their womb is a person, a special and unique gift from God our Creator.
Please comfort the women who suffer from the post-abortion trauma and inspire them to seek spiritual and psychological help.
Please sustain the courage and wisdom of the pro-life movement, so that they may be peaceful witnesses to the sanctity of life.  Intercede for our young people who march and witness for life today that God may bless and protect them. 
Please move the hearts of our lawmakers, judges and fellow citizens so the scourge of abortion will no longer be the law of the land.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.

Prayer for Ardent Charity

St. Maximilian Kolbe, faithful follower of St. Francis of Assisi, inflamed by the love of God you dedicated your life to the practice of virtue and to works of the apostolate.  Look down with favor upon us who devoutly confide in your intercession. 
Having consecrated yourself to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, you inspired countless souls to a holy life and  various forms of the apostolate in order to do good to others and  spread the kingdom of God.  Obtain for us the grace to draw many souls to Christ. 
In your close conformity to our Divine Savior, you reached such an intense degree of love that you offered your life to save a fellow prisoner.  Implore God that we, inflamed by such ardent charity, may through our living faith and our apostolic works witness Christ to our fellowman, and thus merit to join you in the blessed vision of God.  Amen.


What I felt from this journey was a threefold lesson. First, it was a reminder that in spite of human capacity to gravitate towards such evil, God made everything good. Second, it was a reminder to see the presence of God in others in even the most difficult times. Third, it was a call to consider more deeply... radical love for others and to avoid indifference. 

How to help us

A SPACE FOR YOUNG ADULTS Trying to figure out life? Have you tried discernment? It helps us sort through all the stuff going on in life and within ourselves to make the best decisions - that is, follow the will of God. There are many methods to discernment, but here are 7 tips taken from personal experience, the Holy Fathers (especially Pope Francis' Christus vivit), and are reflective of the thought of many saints and followers of Christ. 

The Miraculous Medal owes its origin to the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Chapel of the Rue du Bac, Paris, in the year 1830. She appeared as the Immaculate Conception to Catherine Laboure’
